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Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:09 pm
by Breeze1892
I've written this post in the Ask Us section but I just want to know if anyone's going through the same thing and what did they do about it. Here goes.

I've got a female classmate in uni who I really like and we always hang out together with some friends. Recently told her how I felt. Haven't gotten an answer and it seems I'm still on hold.

Seems like ever since I told her how I felt she's been avoiding me. Everytime we text each other, I either become shy, tried making the conversations longer but most times I always run out things to say which is really annoying as I want to know everything about her or she decides to make the conversation boring and stops it abruptly which is really frustrating.

I haven't tried telling her how I feel since it's really confusing and I still want to be her friend but it seems like I'm not helping matters and she's trying to shut me out.
On Thursday a friend told me that she saw the girl with her boyfriend on Facebook. Felt angry that she didn't tell me about it and it just seemed like she was playing with me by making me think I had any chance with her. Just wish she had said the truth before and not making me get my hopes high that she finally gonna talk to me about it.

Not sure if I should call her and ask her about it or just forget hat everything ever happened and remain friends with her.