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Worried about going off the pill

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:23 pm
by bgrace20
I've recently decided to stop taking my birth control pill because after taking it for a year, I've decided that hormones aren't for me. After trying 3 brands I still have horrible headaches, nausea, mood swings, depression, etc..
Anyways, and I have no idea how I stumbled across this, but I read an article about how going off the birth control pill can make many women no longer interested in their partners. I was reading about how it's caused so many divorces and break ups. I've been dating my boyfriend for 11 months and he's my best friend. He's the kindest person in the world and we're in a loving, committed relationship.
But this new information has given me so much anxiety. I can't imagine suddenly not having feelings for him anymore. If I know how much I love him and his heart, is it even possible to fall out of love just because I've stopped taking the pill? I can't imagine that happening, but I'm really worried about it. I'm hoping there's someone who can tell me I'm crazy.

Please help!

Re: Worried about going off the pill

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:11 pm
by moonlight
I'm not an expert, but it sounds like there is a lot more going on than those articles are saying.

Are you going off of the birth control pill with the supervision of the prescribing physician? Its a really bad idea to discontinue any prescription medication without the supervision of a medical professional.

If you do have a doctor helping you with this, then you should let them know about your concerns. They will almost certainly have more information.

For example, these stories could be hoaxes. Or, perhaps they are based on a study that says women who are diascontonuing birth control are more likely to also be experiencing a break up. But, correlation does not imply causation. Its much more likely that many of these individuals are discontinuing birth control BECAUSE they broke up with their partner and no longer want or need this method of contraception.

TLDR talk to your doctor or pharmacist, let them know about your worries. They will probably be able to assuage your fears.

Re: Worried about going off the pill

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:26 pm
by bgrace20
I had talked to my doctor and she said it was okay to stop taking them when I wanted to. I haven't talked to her about this because I only stumbled across it recently. But thank you

Re: Worried about going off the pill

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:23 pm
by moonlight
Not a problem. I hope things work out.

Also? I really don't think you will stop loving your boyfriend if you discontinue birth control. I just can't see how that would make it happen. I can see why some people who stop taking birth control might break up with partners after doing so, but that is more about whatever causes them to stop taking birth control also causes them to stop dating their partner. (For example if they decide they're not into intercourse anymore, so they don't take the pill anymore. Maybe they realize that intercourse wasn't the problem, but the relationship was. Perhaps they don't want to be in a relationship with that person any more or they realize that they are not at a place in their life where being in a relationship makes sense.)

So, do yourself a favour and stick to reputable sources of information like Scarleteen and medical professionals. :)