Is it a problem to never masturbate?

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Is it a problem to never masturbate?

Unread post by IrisEnfys »

I never masturbate because I never feel like it. Recently I've been having recurrent sexual thoughts and images that disgust me I believe are caused by OCD, but have also been told masturbating will help and I may have these thoughts because I'm sexually frustrated. Are there any mental or physical help problems caused or worsened by never masturbating?
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Re: Is it a problem to never masturbate?

Unread post by Heather »

Nope! It's one of those things where it can certainly benefit people who want to do it and enjoy it or otherwise find a benefit to doing it, but it doesn't hurt anyone who doesn't. And if it was something a person felt they had to do and did when they didn't want to, that could do emotional harm.

Your best bet is talking to whoever is treating your OCD, but in general, if you're having sexual thoughts that make you uncomfortable, that's probably not about sexual frustration. Masturbation also probably won't make those thoughts any less bothersome or frequent, and thinking about things that trouble you deeply while masturbating could instead cause you more distress.

What do YOU want to do (or not do)?
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Re: Is it a problem to never masturbate?

Unread post by IrisEnfys »

Thank you for the advice, Heather! I am seeing an OCD therapist, and we will enter a new stage of treatment for my OCD soon, so that is great for me.
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Re: Is it a problem to never masturbate?

Unread post by Heather »

Glad to be of help.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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