How are things going on in your area?

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How are things going on in your area?

Unread post by Melamyl »

Has your own locale set up its own safety and security protocols to prevent possible outbreaks? We're all got bothered and worried when this pandemic hit the world. We became anxious about our health, our safety, and our family's and loved ones' so it's better if we can be sure enough that we feel more secure in our neighborhood/community compare to other places.

My city is now having lower cases of Covid-19 infections, with a thousand or more cases compared to 3000+ infections in a day before. My own neighborhood has been very strict when it comes to visitors and we even have a curfew in our village, things that I can't complain about for the sake of our village's safety and security. 
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Re: How are things going on in your area?

Unread post by bazookasos »

People here have been largely compliant about social distancing and wearing masks, but a few churches have held services or weddings that involved larger gatherings of people and these events caused several outbreaks. Up until then, the number of cases was remarkably low. But Maine has been cautious. Most restaurants continue to be closed for indoor dining although they will offer takeout in many cases. Stores are open but no one is allowed in without a mask, and in some cases, the number of people inside at any given time is limited so as to maintain social distancing. And if your phone in order, they will pack it up for you and deliver it to your car. Both department stores like Walmart and supermarkets like Hannaford are practicing this kind of shopping experience. It's a big state, so there is no overall rule for school attendance. That's determined by the district, although I think most schools are working in person most of the time.

However, the rest of the United States is deeply divided, with many people convinced that COVID-19 is a hoax. It is sad that something as serious as the pandemic has become so politicized that people actually take sides and reject facts.
I just found out about this article and I thought I could share and leave it here, a good read for most of us that's trying to maintain our well-being during these days. Always keep yourself safe. ... th-crisis/
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Re: How are things going on in your area?

Unread post by Melamyl »

I'm glad that you're doing well during this pandemic. Some were unable to keep their wits intact so we are still in a better place than them. I find reading some helpful articles as my new hobby, so I appreciate you for sharing that. I'm sure it helped you too to manage your emotional well-being. :)
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Re: How are things going on in your area?

Unread post by bazookasos »

Thanks. Of course, reading books and helpful articles has been my way of relieving my stress and anxiety so I decided to share one here, be safe. :)
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Re: How are things going on in your area?

Unread post by Melamyl »

After Britain, Canada now accepts Pfizer vaccine. Hopefully, if things go well with this vaccine, more countries will follow suit. ... 499047002/
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