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Do I need PLan B

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:21 pm
by blondinella
Hi my boyfriend and I started to have sex with no condom then he put on the condom, it was only 2/3 minutes without. He ejaculated in the condom but i am worried about pre cum
I am on birth control but because of exams I have been only a typical user. Should I consider plan B?

Thanks :)

Re: Do I need PLan B

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:32 pm
by Heather
This is one of those things that's up to you to decide.

By all means, if you did not use either of your methods properly, you should figure you may not have had effective protection from pregnancy, so if you want that, Plan B can offer you that.

As well, if you like, we are happy to talk about how to use both those methods properly in the future.