how can I tell my Boyfriend about my kinks?

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how can I tell my Boyfriend about my kinks?

Unread post by Mace-brando »

Alright, I'm new here, so go easy on me, im big stupid.

My boyfriend has told me that he has a sweat and saliva fetish. I'm okay with that, thats awesome as heck! thing is, I have Alvinolagnia (belly fetish) ,Inflation, BDSM, and a hand fetish. How would one go about introducing their kinks into the whole spanooli without looking creepy? We have already hit 1st base, and I really wanna open up more...
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Sam W
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Re: how can I tell my Boyfriend about my kinks?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Mace-brando,

There's nothing silly or bad about having questions!

It sounds like you and your boyfriend are already talking about your sexual preferences, so it seems like could bring up your interests during one of those conversations. What if the two of you sit down with one (or both) of these resources and use them as a starting point? Yes, No, Maybe So: A Sexual Inventory Stocklist, ... een_zine_0.

As an aside, fetish refers to an unusually strong, erotic attachment to a thing, almost even exclusionarily so (as in, a person is into that thing and very little else). If you find yourself listing off many things that sexually appeal to you, preferences or interests might be the more accurate term.
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Re: how can I tell my Boyfriend about my kinks?

Unread post by Mace-brando »

ah, i see. I always used the term like that. i guess kink is a better way to say it. Thank y'all!
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Re: how can I tell my Boyfriend about my kinks?

Unread post by Heather »

You might even just say that you like those things. After all, it's not like liking bellies or hands or sweat is unusual. Those are awfully common things for people to like.
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Re: how can I tell my Boyfriend about my kinks?

Unread post by Mace-brando »

I have told him about my thing for belly rubs, and he doesn't mind. i usually have a playful-funny view of sex. AKA im one of those people that will wheeze at penis jokes, so i said this:

M: im like a dog in many ways, wanna know why?

G: how?

S: I'll stay by you forever, i'll always protect you..

and i LOVE belly rubs.
Don't tell anyone outside the family what you are thinking again - Don Vito Corlene
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