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Am I normal?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 1:49 am
by John Fakename
Hello. I am a 13 year old male and I have a fetish I am ashamed of. I got this fetish by chance because when I was first starting to like sex, I watched porn catering to this fetish accidentally. I have tried to limit myself from looking at stuff that would activate this fetish but I have found that I am overall less aroused by sexual stuff that doesn't involve this fetish. I am very anxious because all the time in the media I see depictions of sex crazy teenagers looking at boobs and I just don't find that as arousing as I think I should. I can still get erections and get kind-of aroused by something not involving this fetish. I feel as if i'm not normal and that i'll be like this forever. Sorry for any typos, I was really anxious while writing this.

Re: Am I normal?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:47 am
by Heather
You know, a lot of people understand the word "fetish" to mean something it doesn't. What "fetish" actually means in sexology is a very strong, sexual/erotic attachment to an object, to the point it’s needed for arousal. What a fetish isn't is liking something or being turned on my something. That's just...well, liking or being turned on by something. Fetishes also are generally understood to be formed in early childhood, not later in life.

There's also no one thing everyone of any given age or gender or orientation finds arousing, like breasts. The media generally doesn't represent human sexuality accurately in any respect, and this is one of them. There's no "should" in what anyone finds arousing. There's just whatever we do or son't at a given time, okay?

Now, without you saying more than you have, I can't know if what we're talking about a fetish or not, but even if you have an actual fetish, it's not like that isn't okay. Fetishism is one possible expression of human sexuality, just like others.

How can I help you with this beyond those starting points?

Re: Am I normal?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 1:53 pm
by John Fakename
Not really. Thanks for the help!

Re: Am I normal?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 8:46 am
by Heather
Sure thing. Happy to talk more or answer other questions if that changes. :)