Water and Sperm

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Water and Sperm

Unread post by MigueLMichaeL »

Hello guys im back with another question. This is probably my last one for sometime, but since some people are going to live with us for a while, I want to be extra safe.

Just like my other posts, this one is about removing sperm from surfaces. previously i asked about using bleach, time and temperature to remove sperm cells but ive always wondered: is water enough? I actually read one of your articles here (https://www.scarleteen.com/article/bodi ... your_hands) and i was thinking if plain cold tap water(no soap) is enough to remove sperm from my hand???
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Re: Water and Sperm

Unread post by Heather »

You know, if people are living with you, you want to wash your hands with warm water and soap, period. Sperm or no sperm, because the bacteria that can live on our hands is what can actually spread things between people, unlike sperm cells, which can't do anything that way.

So, please wash your hands the way that article explains. I'd ask that (and do, as you've just read) of everyone. And if there's semen on them, and sperm cells in that, that will take care of it. Cold water sans soap would, too, but that wouldn't take care of bacteria, an actually-dangerous thing. So. :)
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