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What is emergency contraception doing to my menstrual cycle?

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 4:55 am
by riverburning
Hey there! First off, I just wanted to say that Scarleteen is the most incredibly useful and comprehensive resource I've ever come across, and thank you for all the time and effort you put into running this website and offering support to those who need it :)

I was hoping to get a little guidance on a particular matter. My boyfriend and I are both eighteen, and in a long-term relationship - we've been sexually active for the past few months. We are not using any form of contraception other than condoms (which we try to use religiously, with clinical precision). Recently, I took emergency contraception (levonorgestrel) when my boyfriend's ejaculate came into contact with my vulva during oral sex, by accident. Here's a sort of timeline of events!

7th November - get my period, which lasts for its usual 4 days
17th November - take EC approximately three hours after the oral sex.
24th November - Get my period, again, about two weeks early! I think it's my period - it lasts for 4 days but is a little lighter than usual. I don't think it's spotty enough to be spotting, but the pharmacist didn't say a thing about getting periods a fortnight before they should be here!

My cycles last around 35 days. And it's been much, much longer than 35 days if you count it from the 7th of November, and I have zero cramps/boob tenderness/ bouts of ridiculous crying like I usually do before my period. I don't want to stress myself out about this whole thing, but I can't get it off my mind. Should I take a pregnancy test? What's even going on in my body after taking EC?

Sorry for such a long message, and thank you SOOOO MUCH!
xx Kavya

Re: What is emergency contraception doing to my menstrual cy

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 7:49 am
by Redskies
Welcome to the boards, riverburning.

It sounds like the pharmacist didn't tell you that some cycle wonkiness is very common after taking EC. There isn't one "normal" thing that happens to anyone's cycle after taking EC, but it's not unusual for it to be a bit different to normal temporarily, perhaps even for 3 cycles. So, getting your period two weeks early is very likely because of the EC and no cause for concern. As you had bleeding for 4 days from the 24th, that was highly likely a period, and I would be inclined to count your current cycle from the 24th, not from the 7th.

There's more info on EC here: Emergency Contraception (Plan B or the Morning-After-Pill)

If you feel unsure and think you'd feel better by taking a test, you can do that. Some people do feel better when they see that negative result.

You said that the incident you were concerned about was oral sex, so I think some of this information might be helpful to you: Can I Get Pregnant, or Get or Pass On an STI From That?