sex education (the tv show)

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sex education (the tv show)

Unread post by confusedinlove »

so this is the first time i've posted a non-advice question, and i know it's from like 2 years ago, but i'm curious to hear what actual sex educators and other people interested in the topic think about the show sex education. i think, beyond being a funny and generally good show, it's a pretty interesting and accurate look at the sex and relationship lives and problems of teenagers, and i think most of the advice that otis gives is actually pretty good. what do you guys think?
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Re: sex education (the tv show)

Unread post by Siân »

Hi confusedinlove,

I really enjoyed sex education as a show! There were some things that I thought it handled really well - honestly most of my gripes came from how americanised their allegedly UK school was. Did every relationship or piece of advice live up to my exact ideal? No, but compared to a lot of what's out there I think it gave a more realistic and well-rounded view of sexuality than most shows :)
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Re: sex education (the tv show)

Unread post by perfectionist »

confusedinlove wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:02 pm so this is the first time i've posted a non-advice question, and i know it's from like 2 years ago, but i'm curious to hear what actual sex educators and other people interested in the topic think about the show sex education. i think, beyond being a funny and generally good show, it's a pretty interesting and accurate look at the sex and relationship lives and problems of teenagers, and i think most of the advice that otis gives is actually pretty good. what do you guys think?
Hi confusedinlove,

I am here recently. And I only recently found out about this series (just a month ago). I do not know if everything is said there the way sexologists say about it, but this series gives a lot of reasons to think about understanding your own body and your own sex life.
I watched all three seasons in a week and decided to find an environment in which I could learn more about sex and about some of my feelings. That is why I am here.
So is this show a good one? Definitely yes!
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