Anxiety or ocd
Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 5:44 am
If someone washes his hands after masturbation with water, are his hands now free of any sperm? If a girl touches a surface (that is also touched by the boy with wet hands after masturbation) and insert a finger inside her vagina can she be pregnant? If I insert a dry finger(that may have any dry sperm)inside my vagina, can it lead to pregnancy? I'm continuosly checking my cervical mucus (because found on internet that usually cervical mucus increases in early pregnancy period). My cervical discharge was increased and very stretchy for almost 12-14days after my last period and then suddenly decrease and I got my usual sore boobs (pms). I had this same anxiety before my last period and I did a serum hcg test that came back negative. After that I was continuosly checking my cervical mucus. I'm afraid that may be in this process of checking my cervical mucus, I introduced any sperm inside my vagina. I'm having this constant fear that whatever I touch it may have any sperm on it. Recently I took tinidazole, that leaves a bad taste in my mouth even after 3-4 days of stopping the drug. Now I have this anxiety that metallic/bitter taste is also found in pregnancy and may be this bitter taste is due to pregnancy. I'm so anxious and still continuously checking my cervical mucus. Please help. I will be very grateful to you .