How does STD testing work?

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How does STD testing work?

Unread post by Hel »

Hey, so at some point I’d like to get tested for STDs/STIs and I just wanted to know how that process works for a person with female genitalia.

Are there different testing methods for vaginal STDs and oral ones? (I really don’t know, but I feel silly for asking all this stuff.) Also how frequently should someone get tested?

And more importantly where can an underage teen get safely tested? Is it normally free, and/or can my regular pediatrician do it?

If there’s an article I can read or just plain answers, that would be great! Thanks!
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Re: How does STD testing work?

Unread post by Sofi »

I'm going to link you two different articles, and let me know if you still have more questions! For Austria, I'm not familiar with any specific places to go - do you know of any clinics that do it? Most doctor's offices do too, if you're okay with your primary care doctor doing it. But you might already know of some places, so I won't get ahead of myself!
Testing, Testing...
Testing, Testing: All About Getting Tested for STIs
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