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Just a quick question

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 5:07 am
by Edhelraen
So I went to my obgyn today to ask her some questions regarding my period. I told her that my period has been acting weird again the past two cycles. I normally bleed for 3-4 days and my period lasts 5 days which I consider to be my normal range. However my past 2 cycles have been different. I bleed for one day and then the next day it's finished, which makes it a total of 2-3 days if it gets dragged out.

Now I know even regular cycles can become irregular throughout a girl's life depending on a lot of factors, but I feel like nothing has really changed in my life except for maybe my food intake. I've started working as a teacher lately and just don't have the energy to cook dinner at home so I've been ordering take out a lot with my husband lately. I feel like this is the factor that contributed to my periods being abnormal.

My obgyn said not to worry, that the flow of the cycle isn't something to worry about. She basically described it to me as my ovaries being two giant toothpaste tubes, and one day one gets squeezed a lot, while another day the other gets squeezed a little. The flow will vary from time to time, and that I shouldn't worry unless my period lasts over 7 days. She said if it comes a week early or a week late, it's still considered normal.

I think I should've worded my question better because I have a feeling she thought I was asking about the flow of my period, when I meant to ask about is it normal for me having a 3-5 day period to going to a 2-3 day period. I would go back and ask her more clearly but she said my reproductive systems were very weak to begin with (as in my ovaries/uterus aren't that very strong with shedding lining and releasing an egg. She noticed this when I had an ultrasound done at her place.) so I should take more vitamins to help balance that out. I bought some vitamins like she said so I'll be taking those. She also said that as long as my periods come cleanly, then there's nothing to worry about. Thing is, I don't know if my past two periods can be considered as coming "cleanly" because the bleeding only lasted 1 day before turning very light like it would towards the end of my period.

Is it normal for this to happen? Should I be worried and go back to her for a examination?

I just need some advice on what to do. Thank you!

Re: Just a quick question

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 7:36 am
by Emily N
It sounds like your obgyn isn’t too concerned with the fluctuations in your period, and it is common for periods to be irregular in their timing and duration. Unless you are experiencing other abnormal symptoms, you probably don’t have to worry! That being said, you know your body best, and if it would help ease your concerns, it’s totally reasonable to ask your healthcare provider follow-up questions. Part of their job is making sure that you feel knowledgeable and comfortable with things that are happening with your body. Do you feel comfortable with / trust your obgyn?

Re: Just a quick question

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 9:15 am
by Edhelraen
Yes, she was the one who helped get my period stabilized again after seeing a bunch of other obgyns at the hospital. I trust her and I'm comfortable with her 100%

Re: Just a quick question

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 9:32 am
by Emily N
That's amazing, I'm so glad that you have a supportive physician! Do you have any other questions for Scarleteen?