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Penis shape

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 2:22 pm
by vb_42
Hello Scarleteen staff!
I am happy that I have joined your site. Its good to know that I have some place safe to talk about sexual matters.
My question is about the curvature of my penis.
My penis (when erect) sticks out perfectly from my body.
But I would like it to curve a bit up. I find that looks better.
I already place my penis upwards in my briefs throughout the day.
Anything else I could do?

Re: Penis shape

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 3:45 pm
by Mo
As we mentioned in our chat yesterday, there really isn't a way to change the curvature of your penis - it's just how your body is shaped. You can position it however feels comfortable in your underwear, but that isn't going to have an impact on the shape over time.