STD Testing

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STD Testing

Unread post by catalina14 »

I've gotten tested for STD's twice this year, and both times I've gone they did a simple mouth swab to get my results. I know Planned Parenthood also offers blood sampling, and i was wondering if one method was more effective than the other? Or if rapid testing is less accurate than waiting a normal week?
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Re: STD Testing

Unread post by Heather »

I take it you mean, specifically, the rapid-results test for HIV?

If so, know that those tests are highly accurate and effective, and basically, if you get a negative with them, no need for blood testing, because it too will undoubtedly be negative. Blood testing is most often used anymore for verifying positive results on cheek swab tests. If you get a negative with a cheek swab, you can rest assured that is because you are HIV-negative.
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