Porn Addiction

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Porn Addiction

Unread post by Shydawgz123 »

I can't stop watching porn! I really wanna stop, but masturbation is the best way for me to relax. I don't know what to do! It would be very useful if I could get some tips back!
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Re: Porn Addiction

Unread post by Heather »

Addiction is a word with a very specific meaning, and using it with things that are not chemical or extrenal is theoretically problematic.

Because someone likes watching pornography doesn't indicate addiction.

You say you don't want to watch pornography, though. Okay: some people who like watching it still have reasons they'd rather not. But generally, those folks don't have big issues walking away from it when they really don't want to be part of it anymore.

If you do have strongly felt reasons for not wanting to use porn, and have committed to not using it anymore, are you still feeling like even though you do not WANT to, you literally cannot stop yourself? (I'm talking porn, btw, not masturbation, since, of course, people can and do masturbate without pornography all the time.) Maybe it'd be helpful to talk about what those reasons are, so you can check in with your own wants here first, and get really clear with what they are?
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