peeing while masturbating

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peeing while masturbating

Unread post by anon22 »

I've never had an orgasm, likely because I take antidepressants. I just got a wand vibrator which has been working really well so far but the last time I masturbated I think I peed. At first I thought I squirted, but there was a lot of fluid, way more than I think would come from female ejaculation, and it kind of smelled like pee. It soaked through the towel I was using and into the comforter. I just feel super grossed out with myself and now I'm scared that it'll happen again if I try to use my vibrator again.
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Re: peeing while masturbating

Unread post by Sofi »

Hi there, welcome to the boards!
What you experienced could've been ejaculation, sometimes it can be quite a lot and can smell like pee, too. It could've also been urine, but there's no way to tell. It's more common than you'd think, for both of those, and since they're pretty similar it's hard to tell sometimes what's going on. I know it can be frustrating and for some people embarassing, but like I said it happens to a lot of people and isn't something to be embarassed about. I definitely recommend putting down towels (more than one, if needed); you can also try masturbating in the shower when possible, for easy clean up. Also, you can try urinating right before you masturbating, so your bladder is somewhat empty.
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