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I feel weak and worthless

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 9:52 am
by kidace90

a few months ago I started dating this amazing girl and everything was going perfectly but she suddenly started ignoring me a few weeks ago and then a few days later she said that I dont have feelings for you anymore then she left me without an explanation..... it was quite a shock for me because everything was just perfect before the sudden break up and I have never truly cared and loved someone like a i did for her....
My problem is that ever since she left me, i feel weak and i feel like i am a worthless person and i feel that i am a person that no girl will ever love because i feel inferior....................., and i keep blaming myself for her leaving me.

( i wanted to mention that i have run into her several times and it just hurts me everytime )

I am tired of this feeling and i just want to forget her and be a stronger person but it seems that i cant,......

Re: I feel weak and worthless

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:48 pm
by Heather
Welcome to the boards, kidace. :)

I have a couple links that I think may help you out a lot:
First, But Not Last: On Finding, Navigating and Losing First Loves
Getting Through a Breakup Without Actually Breaking

Really, I think the big thing to try and remember is that relationships change and shift all the time, and people come and go from them often, especially new relationships. This isn't about anyone's self-worth or lack of it: this is usually just mostly about people trying dating/a relationship with someone to see how it feels, and finding it isn't a fit for them. We don't all want or feel the same things, so for most people, there's going to be at least a little -- if not a lot -- of starts, stops, do-overs and start-overs when it comes to dating, sexual or romantic relationships. Heck, there's a lot of that with friends, too.

You are neither weak nor worthless. And whether or not people stay in a given relationship never tells us anything about if someone is superior or inferior: relationships, how long they last, and who stays in them just has nothing to do with those things.

You are hurting, feeling a loss, and going through a grieving process. And even though this was a pretty short affair, it sounds like you had very strong feelings, so yep, a breakup can really do a number on us sometimes. :(