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Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2022 1:37 pm
by MaClarCa0
The question I have for it is where do fetishes come from? Is it hereditary or do fetishes come from the influences from our environment. Is it a battle between nurture vs nature or is it a mix of both?

Re: Fetishes

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:40 pm
by Carly
Hey MaClarCa0 -- you're already on the right track here! Fetishes are usually the product of external influences (like environment), individual experiences, and sensory preferences. It can be a little difficult to generalize the origin of fetishes because each person has such different experiences and reactions to the same object/situation/body part/etc. Though some researchers theorize that genetics can influence the development of fetishes, there isn't a lot of strong or conclusive information about it out there to make a direct connection.

Do you have any more questions about fetishes?