So confused about the pill!

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So confused about the pill!

Unread post by Lk987 »

In December, I started taking Ovranette (a combined pill) on day 5 of my cycle, and I took it regularly never missing one! I take it at about 5 pm everyday, and haven't had any major problems!
But I stupidly went out with my friends the day after Christmas, and had one too many, and I ended up being sick. I had taken my pill at 5 as normal, and then got sick at about half 2 in the morning. I read the leaflet and it said to use protection until I started my next pack, but 6 days later, I had sex with my boyfriend and he wasn't wearing a condom, but it was only for maybe 2-3 minutes and he didn't ejaculate (sorry, TMI, I know!). I'm now on day 3 of my 7 day pill break and I'm still waiting on my period (it's been 4 days since I had sex).
So, my questions are, how long does it take for the pill to be absorbed into my system, and does it mean it didn't work because I got sick 9 hours after taking it? And am I at a high rate of risk of pregnancy because of it?
Sorry if this is very long winded, if it's too confusing to read I'll try shorten it down! Thank you!
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Re: So confused about the pill!

Unread post by Johanna »

You're fine - at 9 hours after taking the pill, it was absorbed and you do not need to worry that your protection was compromised.
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Re: So confused about the pill!

Unread post by Lk987 »

Thank you so much for the help! Just out of curiosity, how long does it take to be absorbed?
Eddie C
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Re: So confused about the pill!

Unread post by Eddie C »

Full absorption usually takes between two and three hours. :)
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