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Unread post by FakeName »

So I a 14m and only child. I have developed and interest in Bondage/BDSM. While I am making some attempts to get into a relationship that is uncertain whether they are also interested in these things. I would like to incorporate self bondage into my masturbation sessions but get little privacy in my house and have little access to materials. Can anyone help?
scarleteen staff/volunteer
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Re: Bondage/BDSM

Unread post by Sofi »

Hi there, welcome to the boards.

You know, young people interested in BDSM is actually a common topic we get on here, so before I give my own advice, I recommend looking around on the boards (you can use the search bar to find something more specific) and read other people's threads on this. It might be quite helpful.
Now, since this is an interest you have but haven't physically explored yet, it'd be best to sort of dip your toes in and make sure you go at your own pace so you can figure out what you like (sometimes we fantasize or consume media of a certain act, such as say bondage, but in our sex lives [solo or partnered] we don't necessarily enjoy incorporating it). Here's an advice column with more on this: I like fantasizing about it: would I like it for real?
As far as getting into a relationship and bringing this up/figuring out if they're interested in this, here's a helpful guide: Working the Kinks Out

Let me know if you have any thoughts or questions about the pieces I sent, or would like to discuss them further.
scarleteen staff/volunteer
Posts: 475
Joined: Fri Sep 04, 2020 12:23 pm
Awesomeness Quotient: I make my own nail art!
Primary language: Spanish or English
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Sexual identity: Queer
Location: USA

Re: Bondage/BDSM

Unread post by Sofi »

*Adding on re: privacy concerns, we've also got a great advice column on this! Again, let me know if this is helpful or you have more questions: How can I masturbate without my parents knowing?
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