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I lost my virginity and now i’m bleeding

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 5:08 pm
by slipperys1ope
I lost my virginity almost a week ago it was uncomfortable but overall a great experience I know i bled a little because he told me so afterwards i wasn’t bleeding anymore fast forward a few days I started having pregnancy symptoms I was going to take a pregnancy test but then i woke up today to just blood and my stomach was hurting mind you my period had ended the day before I had sex so I’m conflicted no blood clots but just literally blood pouring like i’ve been stabbed or something I don’t know what to do at this point clearly i’m not pregnant because that was literally just blood what should i do ?

Re: I lost my virginity and now i’m bleeding

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 6:42 am
by Carly
Hi slipperys1ope -- welcome to the board. I wanted to check in about the bleeding first - if blood is literally gushing out like you've been injured, you absolutely need to seek medical attention. Especially if you're feeling pain in any way. We are unable to diagnose what's happening online, but if you are experiencing that much blood it sounds like an emergency. If you reread your post and feel that you might have exaggerated a little because you were stressed, do definitely check in about it. Bleeding a little after having vaginal sex for the first time is normal, and it's even normal to believe your period has ended and for it to come back for a second round. But if it's a lot of blood, that is different.

Also, with the way that pregnancies progress, you would not actually be able to feel any pregnancy symptoms mere days after having sex. If you did end up taking an at-home pregnancy test, it wouldn't be able to give you an accurate read because the hormone it measures in urine to determine pregnancy would not be at a level that it needs to in order to be detectable by the test. This is why the directions on tests often say to take it after a missed period, because at that point the pregnancy would gave progressed enough. Just something to keep in mind when you're in a situation where you're going to take a test again.