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Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 7:13 pm
by euphoria
Hi my name is Royce

I have a online girl bestfriend that i’ve been friends with for almost a year now. we’ve shared almost everything with each other and we’re extremely close. recently she does stuff on her own and mostly doesn’t tell me anything anymore because she thinks that she can only help her with her problems.

I truly want the best for her but it feels like we’re drifting apart. i tell her everything still and how much she means to me but she struggles with telling me how she feels now. it feels like we aren’t what we used to be.

I tried telling her about it but i always flip out or i act poorly. in summary she mostly say that she’s just taking time for herself but she can’t really express how she feels about me and i feel upset because of it :(

Re: Friendship

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 2:42 pm
by Mo
That's really tough, when it feels like you and a friend may be drifting apart. It's something that happens in friendships sometimes, and what's extra difficult is that there isn't always something you can do about it. Certainly if you find that you're acting poorly in some way when talking to your friend about your feelings, it might be driving more of a wedge between you. If you want to elaborate at all on what that looks like or what her reactions have been, we could talk about that.
As sad as it is, though, if she's taking more time to herself right now, I think the best thing you can do is respect her wishes there. Even if it isn't what you want, respecting her need for space shows that you care about her and her choices even when you wish they were different.