Bleeding + pain don't got better after first time

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Bleeding + pain don't got better after first time

Unread post by Spacewatcher98 »


Five weeks ago I asked my gynaecologist to remove my hymen because it was simply too thick to be broken during sex. Two weeks later my significant other and me tried having sex again and although they were super sweet and careful it bled a lot. We stopped, but my vagina still hurt and bled a bit for the next three days, plus it hurt for another three days. After an entire week, I wanted to try again but it started again bleeding. This time we suspect that maybe the fingernails of my s.o. were a bit sharp, but we both ran out of ideas and are just a bit worried.

I already made an appointment with my gynaecologist, but it is still weeks apart. So I just wanted to ask, if I should start really worrying or if that amount of bleeding is normal? Should we use lube? Is there another solution we aren't aware of?

Thank you so much in advance!
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Re: Bleeding + pain don't got better after first time

Unread post by Elise »

Hi there Spacewatcher98 and welcome to Scarleteen. Given that this has to do with your recovery from a gynaecological surgery, your next step should be to talk with your surgeon, as you may have accidentality disrupted the healing from your surgery. They'll be able to check that everything is okay and give you a new timeline for how long you should allow it to heal. Did they give you any information about this initially?
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