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The joy of small projects

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 6:20 pm
by Elise
Recently I set myself a goal of relearning how to ride a bike, which for me was a short term (achievable in a short timeframe as I knew how as a child) but also would be significant as it was something that would have an actual impact on my life.

Having done this, I realised how useful it was to have a short term project I could improve on in a short timeframe for my mental health, being able to chip away at something that I could get gratification on my progress each week was really great and helped me deal with a great deal of stress I was experiencing at work.

Has anyone here has a similar experience, have ideas for things they can try? I think this is why I also enjoy cross stitch and knitting, as any small progress is visible and satisfying whilst also having a defined end 😊

Re: The joy of small projects

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 3:05 pm
by Mo
My mind immediately went to my knitting and handspinning projects! I can see my progress after every time I sit down to work on them, and when I'm done I have a lovely finished object. I started a new spinning project last night and I've been looking forward to working on it all day.
I write a lot of short fiction, too, and finishing a piece is always very rewarding.

Re: The joy of small projects

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 3:26 pm
by Nicole
I had the same thought process as Mo! I used to knit and I really enjoyed how productive and relaxing it was. It was easy to multitask while I would knit, like watching TV or reading books. It made me feel less guilty about “wasting” my time, if that makes sense. Other than that, I play a number of instruments and often find myself fixating on one instrument at a time. I love learning my favorite songs and playing them for my friends.