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Grossed out by realistic pictures of genitals?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:45 pm
by bluespreadsheet
I am aromatic/asexual, and for me that means I have never felt attracted to another person romantically or physically. Pictures of genitalia, regardless of which kind, or if it's in a pornographic or educational or medical sense, always gross me out. I love being asexual, but I want to be more body positive and stop feeling so grossed out even when it's just in an educational non sexual image. This only happens if it's realistic looking... any advice?

Re: Grossed out by realistic pictures of genitals?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:56 pm
by Mo
Do you feel like that "gross" reaction is specifically tied to a sexual association with genitals? Or do they just seem gross or uncomfortable in a general sense?

Re: Grossed out by realistic pictures of genitals?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:00 pm
by bluespreadsheet
I get grossed out weather there's a sexual association or not, but I'm more grossed out if there is. The only time I'm not grossed out is when it comes to my own, which I'm very thankful for since I'm nonbinary and many genderqueer people are very sensitive about their own bodies.

Re: Grossed out by realistic pictures of genitals?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:27 pm
by Mo
I'm glad you at least aren't feeling that discomfort with your own genitals! Honestly, I don't know that there's a specific way to reduce the grossness or discomfort you feel when you see pictures, but I also don't think you need to try and really force the issue. Body positivity doesn't have to mean making yourself feel only positive emotions about bodies! As long as you aren't telling people their genitals are gross or something like that, it's okay to have those negative feelings, and I worry that really trying to force yourself to change how you feel might just make those feelings stronger. It's possible that with time, that discomfort will lessen.

Re: Grossed out by realistic pictures of genitals?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:42 pm
by bluespreadsheet
Alright! Thanks for the advice.

Re: Grossed out by realistic pictures of genitals?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:49 pm
by Mo
You're welcome! :)