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Bad Wet Dreams

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:56 pm
by bluespreadsheet
I am asexual and am not attracted to people in real life, nor do I want to be. I do still experience occasional sexual feelings though, I just wouldn't want to do anything involving another person and all my fantasies are around fictional typically 2D characters in settings that do not involve me, because involving me would gross me out.

My dreams don't reflect that, though. I understand dreams are not really controlled, and it's just subconscious mixing stuff together, so I don't worry it says anything about me, but I am still really uncomfortable by them. Even while I am dreaming, or after I wake up. It typically involves me, the person, getting assaulted or coerced into having sex. It can be a person made up by the dream, or more frequently, a family member ??? which I always find really gross within and outside of the dream.

The worst part is that they feel better than anything while I am awake. They don't happen frequently, but it's always incredibly uncomfortable and I'm not sure if there's anything I can do about it.

Re: Bad Wet Dreams

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:31 pm
by Mo
I can definitely understand why this would be uncomfortable for you!! Sadly, there really isn't anything you can do about these dreams; they are generally not something that one can control. You may find that the frequency of sexual dreams fades with time, though.