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Should I get my (harmless) hemorrhoid checked out for my future sex life?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 12:22 pm
by blu_envy
Hi, I’ve had this obvious external hemorrhoid since I was a toddler, probably due to sitting in the bathroom for too long (bad habit). It’s been entirely painless and not irritating, but not changing/improving over the years. :|

I haven’t been in a sexual situation involving my own genitals yet and am afraid this would interfere with my future sex life in unpredictable ways. Like ruining the mood or making it feel gross… :(

I guess I just want to know how impactful/harmful could this be and how important it is for me to get it checked out to try to remove it, and solely for this purpose, since it’s not harming my health. Thanks

Re: Should I get my (harmless) hemorrhoid checked out for my future sex life?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 1:00 pm
by Heather
Welcome to the boards, blu_envy. :)

To the best of my knowledge, surgery to remove hemorrhoids is usually only suggested when there's a health problem because of them or when one (or more) are causing pain, and when other ways of managing them haven't been successful. I don't believe they are something people can usually just elect to remove with surgery, but all of this is really best suited for a conversation with a healthcare provider, and one who has checked this one out.

Having one (or more) isn't in and of itself harmful or dangerous, to you or anyone else. They often will tend to just come and go for people, or, like it sounds like you are experiencing, have one that just sticks around and pretty much minds its own business.

I would personally not be concerned with the idea that this is something you have to think about getting rid of because it isn't okay or would be some kind of mood-killer with sex. Bodies are FULL of lumps and bumps and textures, and our genitals are some body parts that are more textured or lumpy or bumpy than most. And whether or not you feel comfortable sharing your real body as it is is often a very good barometer when it comes to figuring out who we really are comfortable and safe enough with to be sexual with, you know?