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That first time

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 7:22 am
by Rubie
I don't count my first time when I was 13 because it wasn't my idea. My first time was when I was 15, and it was a girlfriend of mine who convinced me to be comfortable with my own body and enjoy life. The first boy that I was with was her boyfriend, she had no problem sharing him, it was her way of making sure that I had a good first time. I'm still great friends with both of them.
My question is does anybody compare their partners to that very first one? Like do you sometimes want to get that experience back on what it was like for that first time? Sometimes I fantasize about sex and I will more than likely think about that first guy, I rarely think of the others. I think that first time will always be a highly erotic experience that can't be beat, even if other partners are for better in bed.
I'm only asking because I have a new partner, and we had an excellent time last night, but I can't help but always think of that first time.
Am i the only one like this?

Re: That first time

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 8:09 am
by Sam W
Hi Rubie,

You know, something I've noticed is that plenty of people do have instances of sex that stick with them the way you're describing. What tends to vary is whether or not it was what they consider their first time (for a lot of people, their first time can be pretty underwhelming, so it's great to hear yours was so positive). But if a time you had sex made you feel incredible, or felt particularly new or exciting or otherwise positive, it makes sense that it'd stay on your mind and be something you go back to for things like masturbation.