Semen in pre-ejaculate ?

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Semen in pre-ejaculate ?

Unread post by Ahelikz »

Hi. Just wanted to make sure because my mind is playing with me everytime i try to think about things like that. :|
My previous question here was about well my girl getting pregnant from dried pre-ejaculate on the tip of my finger which was exposed to air and not a liquid anymore after some minutes. Then i performed a manual sex with her with the same fingers. I know already that I’dont need to worry so thats a good thing. But as I started to remember more about that night and days before I came to realise that I haven’t been masturbating and ejaculating for one and a Half day ( maybe even more) before performing manual sex and I actually went to bathroom pee a lot before that manual sex. Can someone tell me If peeing a lot day before manual sex could clear the way for pre cum to be just itself without any semen? Im sorry If im chaotic here but cant really make my mind. With this scenario i would like to know:

Does peeing (a lot) during a day and then in the morning performing a manual sex with a little of dry ( after being on my finger and then scratching it between index and thumb finger, touching other things etc in total of maybe even 5 minutes outside of my penis ) pre cum is a risk?

I would really like to know that Thank you!
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Re: Semen in pre-ejaculate ?

Unread post by Heather »

Hey there.

So, one thing we won't do here is to engage with reassurance seeking someone is doing because they are having anxiety. We just know from many years of this work and knowing quite a lot by now about what does and doesn't work with this kind of anxiety that that not only doesn't help, it often just keeps someone in an anxiety loop.

Since you're asking about a lot of things that don't have a basis in fact, here is a link to tell you the facts about what conditions are actually needed for reproduction: Human Reproduction: A Seafarer's Guide.

You can also get the answer to what you're asking by doing a search on our main site. This kind of question has been asked a lot before, so there are a good number of answers like this one, for example: ... _ejaculate

Moving forward, the way to address this kind of anxiety that tends to be most effective is to really check in with yourself about if you actually feel comfortable and ready engaging in the kind of contact that's got you so worried. More times than not, these kinds of panics happen because someone is just doing things that they might enjoy, but don't actually feel ready for.
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Re: Semen in pre-ejaculate ?

Unread post by Ahelikz »

Hi, Thank you for your answer.

I am really sorry if my question was so unstable and chaotic. I already told myself that I am not ready for this kind of sexual contact yet.

I have found out that urinating before actually clears out urethra and any other semen leftovers from previous ejaculation.

Also, about dry pre-ejaculate thing was already answered to me here so that's great: viewtopic.php?p=68280#p68280

This whole anxiety was because of my lack of knowlage in sex-ed. Now I know basics and feel better, Thank you.
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