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Cold Sores & Oral Sex

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 4:58 pm
by natcmau
Hello, I have a quick question.

I've been dealing with cold sores since I can remember and they have always just been the ultimate party pooper. I know that cold sores come the the HSV-1 strain of herpes and that performing oral sex on someone could very possibly give them genital herpes, but what if my partner kisses me when I have a cold sore and then performs oral sex on me? Does the virus stay alive long enough on the lips of a healthy individual for the strain to pose concern of me contracting genital herpes from my own cold sore? I've always been curious.


Re: Cold Sores & Oral Sex

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 5:14 pm
by Heather
You already have the virus in your body, so you can't really get it again. It's in your bloodstream, not in a specific site on your body -- edited (due to some new info I'd not likely have found if you hadn't asked for more!) to specify that when it is a specific site in the body, it apparently likes to live most within the sensory and cranial nerve cells -- it's just that its symptoms can show up on your skin and mucosa.

So, no, this is something so rare, it just isn't something you have to be concerned about.

Re: Cold Sores & Oral Sex

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 5:16 pm
by natcmau
Do you have any sources that you used to come up with this answer? I like to do as much research as I can :-)
Thank you for answering so quickly, by the way! I really appreciate it and this site is a lifesaver.

Re: Cold Sores & Oral Sex

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 5:27 pm
by Heather
I'm so sorry: I had answered this when you posted it, but we made some server box changes that chomped up some posts, and looks like my reply was one of them! I only knew this was still sitting without it because Redskies let me know.

Anyway, this is really basic information about HSV viruses (I've worked in this field for over 15 years now, so I often draw upon things I already know and have known for a long time when I have no reason to believe the information has changes), so it's one of those things that is hard to find, since it is so basic. But something like this, though about genital herpes, you'll note talks about how the infection is in your cells in your whole body:

Equally basic is the fact that when someone acquires Herpes, they do from someone else who has it in their own bloodstream. If and when your boyfriend kisses you when you have an active sore (and it's advised he doesn't do that, you want to chill with kissing while you've got active sores unless the other person already has HSV themselves, so it's a non-issue), that still doesn't mean HE has one or he has Herpes to infect anyone with, already infected or not. Make sense?

Or, were you asking for an additional source about not it being at all likely to reinfect yourself? If so, there's plenty of that, too, like this: Or this: ... virus.aspx

Re: Cold Sores & Oral Sex

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 5:29 pm
by Heather
All of that said, btw, if and when anyone has an active infection in their body, be it an STI or otherwise, I'd strongly suggest using safer sex practices with oral sex (that means condoms for oral sex with someone with a penis, and a dental dam for someone with a vulva). That way, not only can you just let go of any worries around this, you can also know that overall, you're doing what makes people safer from transmitting all infections.

Re: Cold Sores & Oral Sex

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 5:35 pm
by Heather
I also just found this very good explanation of Herpes infection and transmission for you. The language is highly medical, but if that's not an issue for you, it's quite thorough and clear:

(There's also some interesting stuff about Herpes primarily living specifically in the sensory nerve cells which I never knew, so cheers for a reason to go find out some new things!)