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a few questions relating to humping things

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 8:19 am
by SillyMcGoof_
hi! these questions might be a bit silly but i have some questions related to humping things (im not really sure if there’s a better way to put it). for a bit more info i have a vulva so if/when you answer these questions just keep that in mind.

1: what (specifically common household) things can/should i hump?

2: should i put something like a towel on top of whatever i decide to hump?

3: for stuff like pillows, what sort of position should i get in? i sort of tried to hump the pillow on my bed before but i couldn’t figure out what position to put the pillow in (like if i should put the pillow on its side, just laying on the bed like it normally would be, putting it longways if that makes sense, etc) and im also not 100% sure what position to put myself in

4: what are some things i can do to maximize the stimulation and pleasure i get from humping things?

that’s about all the questions i have rn, ty!

Re: a few questions relating to humping things

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 10:32 am
by Sam W
Hi SillyMcGoof_,

In terms of the practical stuff, a lot of people will choose to use something like a pillow, blanket, or even just the bed itself. Really, you're looking for something that isn't going to bruise or otherwise cause pain or discomfort in your body, which why people opt for things that are pretty soft. Putting a towel on whatever you choose can certainly help with clean-up, especially if you're not doing your own laundry and you worry putting a sheet or blanket in their might raise questions.

As for the other parts of this, the thing to do is give yourself to experiment with things like different positions or movements; there's no one kind of masturbation that feels the best for everyone, and it's one of those instances where you often end up learning as you go.

Re: a few questions relating to humping things

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 10:46 am
by SillyMcGoof_
ok ty!!!