i don't know how to masturbate

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i don't know how to masturbate

Unread post by glttrszn »

i am 18 but i don't know how to masturbate. every time i try stimulating my clitoris it feels like i'm touching any other part of my body and it doesn't feel pleasurable. i want to be able to enjoy myself but i just don't know how and it's getting frustrating. i've tried different motions and i still don't feel anything. please help :(
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Re: i don't know how to masturbate

Unread post by Heather »

Hey there, welcome to the boards.

So much of the time, pleasure is way more about what's in our heads than about what we are doing to or with our bodies. Just touching our bodies won't necessarily be pleasurable or even all that interesting unless our heads are really in the game. Even when we're just talking about the clitoris, it works a whole lot like a penis does, where there is some sensation, and even nice feelings, when it's flaccid, but usually, only once a bunch of blood has started flowing there due to being turned on will any big sensitivity start to happen.

So, as a starting place to help you troubleshoot this, when you start to masturbate, are you starting by first being in a space where you are already turned on, either from something like a daydream or imagination, from something you see or hear that gets you excited, or from some kind of interaction with someone else?
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