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Clitoral stimulation is painful

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:01 am
by AvgGothGf
Hello, this has been a recent concern for my as I find that what I was doing masturbation wise was “wrong” and when looking it up and stuff I tried actual clitoral stimulation for me was actually painful

So I did some digging and found that this can be a normal occurs MCR but it got me thinking to when I was younger, I accidentally delivered some heavy duty trauma to that are in the way of the heel of my shoe making rather intense contact that caused bleeding.

The teachers said it was fine (I’m guessing) but I’m wondering if maybe it did leave some lasting damage and would it be worth getting checked out? Thanks for your help :)

P.s I can still achieve orgasm but the previous stimulation (non clitoral) was muted and provided next to no feeling at all

Re: Clitoral stimulation is painful

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:35 am
by Sam W
Hi AvgGothGf,

So, I think an important starting point is to mention that there really isn't a "wrong" or "right" way to masturbate; there are just the way(s) that feel good to you, and what feels good to one person may feel uninteresting to another, or even painful.

Too, the clitoris is very sensitive, because it's a bundle of densely packed nerve endings. But while that sensitivity can lead to a lot of pleasure for some people, for others it means too much touch or pressure on the clitoris is painful. So it's entirely possible that's what's happening here. In terms of there being a lingering injury, is your clitoris sensitive to the point that the pain gets in the way of going about your day?

Re: Clitoral stimulation is painful

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:57 am
by AvgGothGf

No not really, sometimes I feel some pain, random little bits, when masturbating but other than that it’s only if I accidentally get a wedgie.

Also the pain itself is more major discomfort than actual ow pain but idk if that’s relevant

Furthermore the injury was a while ago (like 11 years) and before puberty (like way before) which is why I’m still concerned that it’s left damage I’m not aware of

Thanks :)

Re: Clitoral stimulation is painful

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2023 2:19 pm
by Heather
Hey there.

You know, it sounds to me like you want to know if you have any lasting issues from that injury, so why not go ahead and make an appointment with a healthcare provider who can assess that for you?