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Does Dry Hump Cause Pregnancy

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 5:07 am
by Len
So this happened last week (April 19 around 9 am), my girlfriend and I dry humped, I was laying down with my briefs(thin) and shorts and my girlfriend was naked on top of me. We did this after the last day of her period which is day 6 of her cycle. I did not ejaculate but I have precum (I actually ejaculated 12 am on the same day but urinated 4 or 5 times before this happened) on my briefs and I guess small wet spots on my short. I'm actually so worried about this if this cause any pregnancy. She actually took combined oral BC last month which is the first day of March then her withdrawal bleeding lasted on March 20 and she didnt took the next pack. She's already having iregular cycle becuase of the BC. So I'm worried if she's ovulating after her last day of period. Does this cause pregnancy?

Re: Does Dry Hump Cause Pregnancy

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 3:55 pm
by Carly
Hey Len -- I understand being concerned about precum but dry humping, especially when one of you is still wearing clothing, cannot cause pregnancy. In order for pregnancy to be a possibility, there needs to be direct genital-to-genital contact between someone with a penis and someone with a vulva. Or, direct contact with ejaculate and the vulva or vaginal opening.

Can you clarify something for me -- did your girlfriend stop taking birth control all together? Do you use any other kind of contraception?

Re: Does Dry Hump Cause Pregnancy

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 5:25 pm
by Len
Her first time taking combined bc is last January which is January 27 2023 then withdrawal bleeding happened maybe on February 18 or 19 which lasted three days. Then her second time of using combined bc is on the first day of March then her withdrawal bleeding lasted on March 20 but we used Yuzpe method because we dry humped and were both worried if she might get pregnant, she was not wearing anything and I was wearing briefs(thin) only, I was laying down while she's on top of me. It turns out she got negative urine pregnancy test. Then her real period arrived on April 14. She told me that she doesn't want to take third time (third pack) of combined bc anymore because she wants to have her real period. I did not use anykind of contraception but I use a condom before we both take a shower. Also additional question. Is it possible for her to get pregnant if I fingered her? Because before I used the condom, I wiped of the precum on the tip of you know what with my finger but I wiped it of on my underwear then I put on the condom then I entered the shower got my hands wet from water and I don't know how many minutes before I fingered my girlfriend because we were both in the shower. By the way I did not ejaculate because we were just making out then she told me if I want to take a shower with her. This happened on April 18.

Thank you

Re: Does Dry Hump Cause Pregnancy

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 8:39 am
by Nicole
Hi Len,

My fellow staff member mentioned this to another user: Sperm are fragile and need specific conditions to co-create a pregnancy. They aren't going to survive being wiped off, or even transferred from hand to hand. Here's a link with more information: Who's Afraid of Sperm Cells?

Also, moving forward, I want to mention that pre-ejaculate (pre-cum) itself does not always contain sperm, yet trace amounts have been found in expelled pre-ejaculatory fluid. With that being said, I want to emphasize that you should still be cautious if you have unprotected sex. You can read more about this here: My boyfriend doesn't get pre-cum! I know the title doesn't sound like your situation but the content might help you out with understanding how pre-cum works!

I hope any of this helps. Based on what you told us, it doesn't seem like there's a high risk of pregnancy. I do understand your concerns and I think it might be time for a conversation with your partner about some safety measures! What do you think?

Before I go, I'm going to drop one more link that I think you could benefit from reading: Can I Get Pregnant, or Get or Pass On an STI From That? It might help to share this with your partner!