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how can i convince my mom to get me a packer + some more questions

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 9:16 am
by SillyMcGoof_

so i’ve been thinking and i’ve realized that i really want a packer. but i dont know how/if i could convince my mom to atleast consider getting one for me so i need some tips.

the main reason i think she would decline is because she might see it as a sexual thing (which in a way it sort of is??? idk how to describe it) and therefore wont want me to get one because like safety stuff (although idk if i would wear it in public i would probably just wear it at home, atleast at first)

any tips for this?

another thing is that i need some recommendations for some good but affordable packers (preferably ones on the more realistic side, like the ones that actually look like a penis and stuff) because money is a pretty big issue when it comes to that stuff aswell, so any recommendations would be swell.


Re: how can i convince my mom to get me a packer + some more questions

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 2:01 pm
by Sam W
Hi SillyMcGoof_ ,

Let's start with figuring out how to get the packer with help from your mom, then we can dive into how to find one that's in your budget. Do you think you could explain things to your mom similarly to how you explained them here? For instance, that this is just something you'd wear around the house for now that would help you feel more at home in your body?

Re: how can i convince my mom to get me a packer + some more questions

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 2:40 pm
by SillyMcGoof_
yeah i can do that! anything else you reccomend?

Re: how can i convince my mom to get me a packer + some more questions

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 6:45 am
by Sam W
A suggestion I often make for folks who are about to have a tricky, or just potentially awkward, conversation is to write out what they want to say ahead of time so they have a clear sense of it before having the conversation. That can help you clarify for you what you want to say and make you feel a less like you're having to have the whole conversation off the cuff.

Re: how can i convince my mom to get me a packer + some more questions

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 7:29 am
by SillyMcGoof_
ok coolio!!