No sperm when ejaculating

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No sperm when ejaculating

Unread post by Magicarp778 »

Hello, last time I posted here was admittedly along hecking time ago, I was 13 and given months I believe.
I'm 15 now and I have been masturbating a fair bit, yet whenever I cum it's not white, it's not pre-ejac as I can keep going and nothing else but urine will come out.
I have some thin pubes but that's it, I'm concerned on if this is a serious issue or if it will resolve itself.
I'm mainly asking because I might be losing my virginity soon and I feel embarrassed that I can't properly cum/ejaculate and I feel it will effect the experience for me.
That's all for now, I hope I'm ok but please any advice is appreciated. :D
Sam W
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Re: No sperm when ejaculating

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Magicarp778,

Nice to see you again!

So, while ejaculate is generally whitish-gray in color, there can be some variation in that due to things like lifestyle or, in some cases, even your genes. Are there things like strong smells, pain, or other discomfort that comes with ejaculation, or is it just not the color you're expecting?

Can you say more about why you think this might influence your experience of having sex? I ask because, in a lot of cases, "color of their ejaculate" tends to be pretty low down on the list of things people notice about their sexual partners.
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Re: No sperm when ejaculating

Unread post by Magicarp778 »

Well for the smell aspect it reeks of onions for whatever reason, no other oddities besides it being completely colorless.
And I feel it could influence my experience just due to overthinking, I doubt they will say anything but overthinking is a killer
Sam W
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Re: No sperm when ejaculating

Unread post by Sam W »

So, semen does generally have a smell, but it's usually faint. If the smell happens every time, regardless of what else is going on, that may be something to check in with a healthcare provider about.

As far as overthinking goes, I actually think this article series could be really helpful, because it addresses a lot of the ways we can get hung up on what our bodies are like during sex: The Sex Goddess Blues: Building Sexual Confidence, Busting Perfectionism
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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