Why haven't I got my period yet?

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Why haven't I got my period yet?

Unread post by raily_ »

I am currently on birth control and have been VERY sexually active. My boyfriend always makes sure to use a condom and checks for leaks or breaks afterward. I take my birth control perfectly (at the most an hour window). The only thing that could have possibly messed up my birth control was a prescription for Amoxicillin, but even then most websites say it won't mess with my birth control, and even if it did we still used a condom. So where is my period? I can't be pregnant so what else could cause it to not be here? I am on the third day of my placebo week and I still have not started bleeding.
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Re: Why haven't I got my period yet?

Unread post by Michaela »

Hi Raily,

Does your period tend to be very regular (i.e. always coming on the first day of your placebo week of your birth control)? It is not uncommon to have slightly irregular periods sometimes, or even miss a month depending on what is normal for your body, hence the above question.
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Re: Why haven't I got my period yet?

Unread post by raily_ »

It honestly varies, sometimes it starts a few days later after having that first placebo pill, and sometimes I can even start spotting 1-2 days before my placebo week. I started cramping today and I just started having some spotting, so my period is finally here. But why does it do this sometimes? Especially if I start spotting when I am still on the active pills, aren't the active pills in my OCP supposed to suppress that?

My anxiety just got the best of me today when it didn't start early this morning like it normally does (if I don't end up spotting two days before the sugar pills)
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Re: Why haven't I got my period yet?

Unread post by Nicole »

Hi raily_,

I totally understand the anxiety that comes from experiencing a late period, especially when you're on multiple forms of birth control. We have a resource that I think might answer your question, here's a link: M.I.A or, Dude, Where's My Period? Also, here's an article you might want to check out: Antibiotics, birth control, and an early period. Please let me know if any of this helps or if you have any other questions!
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