masturbation and hairbrush handles

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masturbation and hairbrush handles

Unread post by kiki0802 »

i have recently been really in the mood but i didnt know what to do about it until i decided to masturbate with my hair brush. since then i have been feeling pain and soreness in my vaginal region. i couldent get a condom so i am not sure that it was bacteria free. what should i do?
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Re: masturbation and hairbrush handles

Unread post by Heather »

All you really can do after-the-fact is leave things alone with your vulva and vagina. If the pain doesn't chill out in a day or so, or other things get funky -- like unusual smells or discharge that looks different than you're used to -- then you will want to check in with a sexual healthcare provider.

And moving forward, the nice thing about your hands and fingers is that all you have to do to sanitize those is wash them, so if you can't cover objects with a latex barrier, that's usually the best way to go with masturbation and safety.
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Re: masturbation and hairbrush handles

Unread post by kiki0802 »

okay thanks
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