I don't have interest in masturbating

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I don't have interest in masturbating

Unread post by becca997 »

Hi, I'm 18 F and I have never had an inters in masturbating. I've tried it a couple times but I don't get any pleasure in it. I get wet but that's it. am I doing anything wrong? I've never been with someone else sexually so I might be able to get something from that but I don't know. Any advice?
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Re: I don't have interest in masturbating

Unread post by Latha »

Hi there, Becca- welcome to the boards!

We can definitely talk about ways to make masturbation more pleasurable, but I want to let it be known that you don't have to masturbate if it isn't something you're interested in doing. In fact, it isn't something you ever have to do. Masturbation tends to feel more pleasurable if you're already in the mood, so to speak. For many people, touching themselves when they're not turned on doesn't feel like very much.

Thus, if you are interested in masturbation, it may help to explore things that could put you in the mood- like a relaxing routine, or fantasies. There are also many ways to go about masturbating- you might find some methods more pleasurable than others. (There's a list of things you can try in this article- Going Solo: The Basics of Masturbation)

I hope this helps- feel free to ask more questions!
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