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How do YOU celebrate your period?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:24 pm
by Karyn
Today, I got my period.

Maybe no big deal for a lot of people, but because I've been very sick this year, it's the first time I've had one since March. That's about nine months, my friends.

We hear so much about how it sucks to have a period, about how people wish they didn't have one, and now about how people can suppress theirs if they wish.

There are a lot of great plusses to having your period, though, that I think are really important to keep in mind: first of all, if you're sexually active with the opposite sex, it lets you know you're not pregnant, and for many people, that's a HUGE plus. It's a sign that your body is healthy. For many, it's also a wonderful part of being a woman. It's a sign that your body is growing up and maturing. For those interested in being mothers, it's a wonderful affirmation of their ability to have a baby.

So, because getting a period is awesome for all those reasons and more, we ought to celebrate! Let's ditch the negativity and focus on the positive.

Tonight, I'm going to walk down to the convenience store and grab me some Ben & Jerry's ice cream, all for myself, and take a nice, hot bath before bedtime. How do YOU celebrate your period? (And why do you feel it's worth celebrating?)
Originally posted by Leabug at the old boards here: ... 05410.html

Re: How do YOU celebrate your period?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:10 pm
by suburban_witch
I usually will eat something nice, and I have been trying to exercise to ease my cramps! That's been helping a lot. I used to associate my period with hibernation and generally just being away from the world, but a nice part about getting older is having a lot more control over what menstrual products feel most comfortable to use, so I don't physically feel like a pariah.

Re: How do YOU celebrate your period?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:47 pm
by DulceDiva
I'm just like oh hi you're here , in the past my periods where so painful one time I couldn't keep food down , had horrible cramps & went back & forth between hot & cold but now I'm on BC & my period is just there.