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i used vegetable oil as lube, will i be ok?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 8:13 pm
by SillyMcGoof_
ok so this was totally a lapse in judgment on my part bc i didn’t research too much beforehand but here we go.

so basically i masturbated a little bit ago and alot of the time when i do that i try to penetrate myself bc my brain is like “maybe this time you’ll like it” but thats another topic. so basically i figured vegetable oil would be fine bc its plant based and has no added ingredients, so i used it both in the anus and vag, albeit briefly because im not a fan of penetration no matter how much i try to make myself like it.

so after i was done i looked up if it was safe and a lot of the results said no, which worries me as a just used it. just to be safe i wiped my anus and vag (its late and im way to tired to do a full wash rn) but im still a bit worried. should everything be ok or should i be concerned?

Re: i used vegetable oil as lube, will i be ok?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 2:29 am
by Latha
Hi there, SillyMcGoof!

I think this is one of those things that works for some people but not for others. Using vegetable oils as lube may cause infections in people with sensitive skin and might trap bacteria in the vagina- this can depend on the type of oil or how it has been processed. Give it some time, and take note if you experience any irritation.

Re: i used vegetable oil as lube, will i be ok?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 6:58 am
by SillyMcGoof_
ok!! thats good to know, thanks! im just worried bc the last thing i want is to go to the doctor for something embarrassing like this 😭😭

Re: i used vegetable oil as lube, will i be ok?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 8:20 am
by Latha
I totally understand how that would feel embarrassing!

(All the same, doctors see all sorts of cases, and they should treat you professionally no matter what you come to them with. Just... don't let that stop you from going to the doctor if it's ever necessary.)

Re: i used vegetable oil as lube, will i be ok?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 8:30 am
by SillyMcGoof_
mhm! but also i would have to tell my mom if anything happens and thats even worse imo 😭😭

is there anything i can do to prevent anything bad from happening?

Re: i used vegetable oil as lube, will i be ok?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 11:48 am
by Sam W
In the future you may want to try out any lube you use on your arm or another body part, just to make sure your skin isn't sensitive to it. You can also read about which oil-based lube options are more commonly used to get a sense of what your other options might be. Too, if you're using just your bare hands, you'll want to make sure you're being diligent about handwashing before and after, and if you switch up activities.

You know, when it comes to sexual health, a lot of the infections you might get from masturbation with unsafe or improperly clean items can also come from other places. UTIs and yeast infections both have multiple causes, so telling your mom "hey, I think I have a UTI, can you help me schedule a doctors appointment" wouldn't require you to reveal that you've been masturbating. Does that make sense?

Re: i used vegetable oil as lube, will i be ok?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 12:50 pm
by SillyMcGoof_
oo ok thats good to know!! i try to make sure to handwash before and after but sometimes i forget, i hope that isn’t too bad.

i did look at my vagina to see if anything weird is going on and it did look kinda lumpy on the inside but also i know that that could just be how it is. it hasn’t hurt or anything since i did that tho, well except for now but thats bc i like feeling inside it a bit when it wasn’t aroused to check it which hurt, but besides that everything seems fine

also yeah that makes sense!! i’ll try doing that if something happens