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struggling with voice masculinization

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 9:07 am
by SillyMcGoof_
hi!! so i’ve been struggling a bit with voice masculinization and i need some advice

i guess my main problems are that idk how to fit it into my routine, mainly bc i need to do it at a time where i can be a bit loud and stuff, and i also dont know how to make the time to do it.

also, i’ve found soooo many exercises (like over 5) but idk if i have to do them all every day, which if i do idk what order it would be in, and also its just a lot, or if i dont, idk how to narrow everything down, like what exercises i should get rid of and which ones are more important if that makes sense.

idk, any advice? thanks!

Re: struggling with voice masculinization

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 7:07 pm
by SillyMcGoof_
its just hard bc theres so much and idk which things to do and its hard to find the time to do it everyday :[

Re: struggling with voice masculinization

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 7:08 pm
by Carly
Hey McGoof -- I'm not a vocal therapist and I don't have any experience with voice masculinization, but I think I can offer some insight.

I don't remember if you've mentioned these details before, but who else do you live with? Do you share walls with people not in your family, like in an apartment or townhome? Do you feel like you need permission to be loud? If memory serves you live with your mom, and it seems like she is pretty supportive. Do you think you could just talk with her about when a good time would be, or is there another concern besides that?

As for what exercises are the most important, I'm not able to answer that. But! We published an interview with a gender-affirming vocal therapist a while ago that I think might include some helpful resources for you.

Re: struggling with voice masculinization

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 7:14 pm
by SillyMcGoof_

i mainly live with my mom and brother. sometimes my sister stays for a bit but not often (thankfully). i guess my concerns about being loud mainly stem from my anxiety as i dont wanna be a bother or have other people hear me being loud and silly. i probably will talk to my mom about everything tomorrow tho.

also i’ll definitely look at the interview tomorrow aswell!! thanks!

Re: struggling with voice masculinization

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 4:22 am
by Michaela
Hi SillyMcGoof_

Let us know if that interview brings up any other questions for you!

How are you feeling about having that conversation with your mom about the vocal exercises? Do you feel like you know how you want to approach it?

Re: struggling with voice masculinization

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 12:43 pm
by SillyMcGoof_
thanks!! i will!

honestly im not really sure how i wanna approach the conversation

Re: struggling with voice masculinization

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 1:45 pm
by Sam W
I wonder, would it make sense to just say you're doing some vocal exercises, so if she hears you talking to someone when there's no one there, that's why? Too, this might be a time to put some white noise on near the door or wherever you're practicing, since that can help muffle the noise so other people notice it less.

Re: struggling with voice masculinization

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 4:07 pm
by SillyMcGoof_
yeah i can do that! thanks!!

Re: struggling with voice masculinization

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2023 10:24 am
by Sam W
You're welcome!