a pregnancy scare(?)

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a pregnancy scare(?)

Unread post by savskils »

me and my gf(both virgins before this) recently had our first sex experience, 2 days after it she's been getting cramps and light bleeding with a brownish colour, we're both worried that its implantation, but it could be her hymen breaking, or could be a really weird period, and since we're in a country where we dont have abortion, time is of the essence in a situation like this, if anyone is well informed, pls help
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Re: a pregnancy scare(?)

Unread post by Heather »

Hi there.

So, chances are the bleeding is from not using lubricant or not using enough of it, and also two nervous people having intercourse in ways known to cause minor injuries, like her saying yes despite not being turned on enough yet, and you pushing in because you didn’t know not to do things differently. These kinds of things are always the MOST common reasons for bleeding with or after intercourse.

Pregnancy, on the other hand, doesn’t happen this fast. Implantation, when it happens, rarely causes bleeding, and also happens about a week after intercourse. Two days is too fast for conception to be at that stage.

Hymens also rarely “break” or bled outside of assault or injury. That’s very stretchy tissue, and it wears away or erodes over time, rather than tearing or breaking like some people have learned incorrectly.

Can you pass that on to her as well? Happy to answer any questions either of you still have, including about how to prevent pregnancy, in the event you are not using condoms or other reliable methods of birth control.
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Re: a pregnancy scare(?)

Unread post by savskils »

I've passed it on to her, and truly thank you but she wanted to ask how come it'd happen 2 days after and be clot-like, and our main concern was the fact precum mightve gotten in there, but with all this knowledge,would you recommend a pregnancy test when applicable?

thanks again
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Re: a pregnancy scare(?)

Unread post by Heather »

Just because you two are so worried -- and certainly, if you didn't use any method of contraception -- I would suggest she take one in a few weeks if she still wants to then.

So, any bleeding we have from any kind of wound in our bodies can clot. And when we get any kind of injury -- even something minor, like an abrasion from dryness -- inside the vagina, not only can that blood clot, but what comes out of the vagina also often includes vaginal discharges and cervical mucus, which can be mistaken for a clot, too. It also may be this is her period starting, or blood from an old period. And because the vagina is a tube that holds what's within it, we won't always see all of any bleeding, period flow, or discharges at the time they occur. Plus, old blood from an abrasion can stick around, too.

But none of this can be implantation bleeding or anything to do with pregnancy like you two are worried about because, again, the process of it all does not happen that fast. Here's a link you can both read that gives you a very specific timeline of how it does happen: Human Reproduction: A Seafarer's Guide.

Moving on, it sounds like you did not use a condom or any other method of birth control, or, if you did use a condom, didn't use it properly by having it on the whole time. Can I help with this? You both clearly don't want as pregnancy now, so doing what you can to prevent one is obviously very important. <3
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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