How to bring up new things to partner?

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How to bring up new things to partner?

Unread post by suomi »

I feel like I'd be pressuring them into anything if I try-Since I have more experience than them-And we've been doing stuff they like up until now so I feel like they'd be forcing themself if they agreed.
Sam W
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Re: How to bring up new things to partner?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi suomi,

What if you framed it as a conversation where you both have the chance to mention if there are new things you want to try? Too, is there a reason you're worried that if they agree they're actually just forcing themselves to do it rather than being interested in it or excited to try it?
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Re: How to bring up new things to partner?

Unread post by suomi »

Yes, I'm scared the response might not be genuine.
Logan W
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Re: How to bring up new things to partner?

Unread post by Logan W »

Hi suomi,

I think it might be helpful to express this fear - let them know that you don't want to pressure them into anything they don't want to do. Have you brought up anything that you'd like to do in the past? If so, what was the response like?
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