Sexting with my GF

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Sexting with my GF

Unread post by crazyboy123 »

Hi! Me and my first ever girlfriend have been dating for over two moths now. We both have very high sexual drives and often want to talk about sex. We both come from strict families so contact is limited and sex is definitely not allowed. We have been sexting for a while and masturbating at the same time but it is starting to get stale seeing as it is the only thing we do. Are there any other ways to improve and make our sex lives better online, keeping in mind that it has to be very controlled and secret?
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Re: Sexting with my GF

Unread post by Carly »

Hey crazyboy123 -- have you talked to your girlfriend about how you've been feeling before? Is she also feeling like things are stale, or is this mostly where you're at right now?

Also, can you tell me more about the limited contact? How often do you see each other, and what are those situations like? (are you at school, with family, etc etc)
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Re: Sexting with my GF

Unread post by crazyboy123 »

Yeah we have and we do enjoy sexting but we're both frustrated on how to take things further. We only see each other at college and can't find any alone time outside of that. There is no way we can meet up with our strict families.
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Re: Sexting with my GF

Unread post by Carly »

I'm sorry to hear you guys have been so frustrated, but I'm glad you've been able to talk about it in the context of your relationship. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if we'll have a solution for you about the texting aspect specifically. I'm wondering if focusing on finding a way to see each other more in person in general would be something worth giving a shot. It sounds like you guys have a lot of sexual intimacy already, so perhaps trying to see each other more might be the thing that makes things feel a little more exciting or charged up in a different way.

Can you talk more about your strict families? What are the rules in your family that prevent you from seeing each other more? Are there cultural norms involved?
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