Masturbation and summer camp

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Masturbation and summer camp

Unread post by Nessa709 »

I really like masturbating. Lately, I do it at least three times a day, but usually four, and sometimes five.

The hardest times for me though are summer camp. I go each year for a week, and it's the longest week of my life, sharing cabins, or tents with several campers, public showering, and well, no privacy for any masturbation.

This year, instead of going for one week, it will be four, almost all August. How am I going to survive? Where do others find privacy and time for masturbation at a summer camp?
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Re: Masturbation and summer camp

Unread post by Nicole »

Hi Nessa709,

Thanks for reaching out! I understand your frustration and honestly, I do think there will be some difficulty finding private time to masturbate. I reached out to a friend who went to a similar type of summer camp and asked what he did. I was told that he just waited until everyone in the bunk fell asleep and did it, probably in the bathroom or in bed. Unfortunately, that's all I know about this topic. In my opinion, it could help to prepare by minimizing how many times you masturbate per day so you get used to doing it less during summer camp.

When you would go to camp for 1 week, what did you do to cope with not being able to masturbate? Maybe relying on these methods can help you get through the extra 3 weeks. Also, in the future, maybe you can consider going to camp for a shorter amount of time again so this doesn't stress you out again!
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Re: Masturbation and summer camp

Unread post by Nessa709 »

Hi Nicole,

In previous years, I tried the obvious suggestion, wait till everyone is asleep, but I could never really do it properly for fear someone might wake up. All I would do is gently touch my vulva under my pajamas with a hand for a minute or two, no real rubbing or fingering, and no climax. Just too awkward and scary.

So usually, I just put up with my urges. Once I went deep into the bushes where we weren't supposed to go and sat on a tree stump to do it. A few times, I went into one of the bathroom stalls and spent a good half hour to forty-five minutes, just hoping nobody noticed me there for so long, and constantly listening to make sure others weren't inside.

And last year, one time, I pretended to have a bad headache, right at the start of supper, so I got permission from the cabin counselor to be in my bunk for the evening. That gave me an hour worth of time in the cabin by myself, but even that was slightly risky, as anyone could walk in to get something from their suitcase, or even walk in to check up on me.

I tell you what though, usually when the week is over, when I resume masturbating, the trade off is it's more intense.
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Re: Masturbation and summer camp

Unread post by Nicole »

Hi Nessa709,

Yeah, I'm sure the anxiety of being caught makes it almost impossible to relax and do anything. As I said previously, I really do think there will be some difficulty finding private time to masturbate. We might not have the answer you're looking for, other than just preparing your body for those four weeks by minimizing how many times you masturbate per day.

With all of that being said, how are you feeling about this? In my last post, I mentioned that it could help to resume going back to camp for 1 week instead of 4 weeks so this won't be a concern again. Although, people's masturbation habits can change, so this may or may not be a concern next year.
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