Pregnancy and discharge

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Pregnancy and discharge

Unread post by Lovelly_Kayyy »

My period was supposed to start around the 12th of July and it hasn’t. I normally wouldn’t be alarmed because it’s never exactly “on time”, I tend to be a week behind. This time I was sexually active with protection and I’m late so I am concerned. I believe that I ovulated late which is normal, only I keep seeing a mix of fertile cervical mucus and creamy sticky white discharge (not like a yeast infection). I also have been feeling pms symptoms for over a week but havent gotten the period. I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative. I only kind of trust it Because it was one of those “detect” five days early tests. I don’t know when the period is supposed to be coming anymore, so I don’t know how early or late I took the test in proximity to when I was supposed to start my period. It’s all so confusing and such a head ache. It’s causing me great distress. I’m already kind of irregular, and add sex in to the mix and my confusing back and forth vaginal discharge I have no idea what to believe. Could I be pregnant? What does the mixed discharge mean? Could my consistent irregularity mean PCOS?
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Re: Pregnancy and discharge

Unread post by Heather »

Good morning. :)

So, those last two questions are questions you'll want to bring to a healthcare provider. Do you have a reproductive/sexual healthcare provider you can see? If not, would you like help finding that kind of healthcare?

In terms of your pregnancy concern, can you tell me when you took that test in relationship to when you had the sexual contact you're concerned about pregnancy from? Also, can you tell me what method or methods of contraception -- condoms, the pill, etc. -- you used during this activity and if you have any reason to believe that method or methods were not used properly?
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Re: Pregnancy and discharge

Unread post by Lovelly_Kayyy »

Hello! I used a condom and pulling out, as in before he ejaculated he would pull out with the condom between moving around we’d stop and check the condom for any breaks and saw nothing, and we even went to the lengths of looking at the condom and kind of squeezing it some to make *sure* that there was nothing to worry about.(I have very bad anxiety so we agreed that doing this could help ease it). I was very sexually active between the 3rd of July and the 6th, we took a vacation.

I just took two tests yesterday, the digital and rapid came in one box. I waited to take the test because I wasn’t trying to panic, and I know it’s possible to be delayed in this “window” of when you can get your period and it’s still “on time”. It was supposed to come around the 12th/ 13th. Then again, who knows what’s “on time” for me with all of this irregularity and weird discharge patterns:(

And yes I do have access to a healthcare provider, I’m very behind on getting to one. Like I was saying I have noticed my irregularity more. I didn’t notice before I became active about a year ago, so I’m
Not sure if this has always been a thing for me or if it’s recent.
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Re: Pregnancy and discharge

Unread post by Lovelly_Kayyy »

Don’t know if this was clear or not, but the last time I was sexually active was 17 days ago!
Amanda B
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Re: Pregnancy and discharge

Unread post by Amanda B »

Hi Lovelly_Kayyy,

Generally, pregnancy tests should be taken at least 14 days after sex that can cause pregnancy, or after a missed period. It sounds like your periods can be unpredictable, however, so I understand the uncertainty around when you can trust a negative pregnancy test result. I hear you took one rapid test that was negative, and this is the result you don't have trust in. Were the subsequent tests also negative? Do you have more faith in these results? You can also read more about pregnancy tests here: Peeing on a Stick: All About Pregnancy Tests.

It sounds like you and your partner went to great lengths to prevent pregnancy. Too, if multiple negative pregnancy tests were taken, it may be helpful to think through other reasons why your period may be later or more unpredictable than usual. Stress, including pregnancy anxiety, can certainly impact one's menstrual cycle. It may be a good idea to visit your medical provider to gain clarity about all of this. Can you identify any barriers that have prevented you from going?
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Re: Pregnancy and discharge

Unread post by Lovelly_Kayyy »

Yes. I honestly have a fear of the gynecologist. I’m not excited about getting tested for different things and something terrifying comes back. But I know that I need to try and go. My boyfriend and I think it’s a good idea to maybe try birth control, but I’ve heard SO many birth control horror stories that it makes me want to just stick with a condom. But maybe it could help regulate my cycle or at least give me some answers.

I took two tests one was digital and the other was rapid and they were taken at the same time. Both came back negative and it has been over 14 days since I was active. Could taking another test in 5 days be worth a try if my period never comes?

I have been on this message board in the past due to my extreme pregnancy anxiety, admittedly before I even had penetrative sex I feared pregnancy and not due to lack of knowledge or understanding for how it works, just the constant “what if”.

According to my boyfriend I take on stress like a champ and never let it show, but I guess my body has its own way of telling me it’s stressed through my cycle. Between work and traveling and the fact that I’m about to be a senior in college, I guess I have a lot to stress over.

I don’t normally trust the Flo app because it doesn’t always get my ovulation right, other months it’s spot on. But I did notice that the months where my cycle is longer (the longest was 42 days) was when I had a lot going on. I’m hoping and praying this is that kind of situation.
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Re: Pregnancy and discharge

Unread post by Nicole »

Hi Lovelly_Kayyy,

I hope it's okay that I'm jumping in here. I feel like your fear of the gynecologist is a common thing I've been noticing from users on the boards and people I know irl. Not everyone has a great time at the gynecologist's office, but I can speak from my experience and hopefully, that eases up some of your concerns. I'm on the pill and before I decided to go on it, I had a lengthy conversation about what to expect and how birth control could help me. The three main reasons I went on the pill were pregnancy prevention, treating hormonal acne, and regulating my cycle. My main concern with going on the pill was excessive weight gain. I made that very clear to my gynecologist and she set me up with a pill that tackled these issues. With that being said, I know that the pill isn't perfect and people have issues with it, but it's important to know that you can switch pills or switch to an entirely different form of birth control if the other causes issues. I hope any of that makes sense.

Also, as for your fear of getting tested for different things and something horrifying coming back--I'm assuming you're talking about STIs right? I believe you would be showing symptoms of some sort, plus it's best to find out about these infections as soon as possible so you could get treated properly. Also, I'm the same age as you and this is typically the time for us to get our pap smear, which is very important for detecting cervical cancer! Lastly, it's ideal for anyone who is sexually active to see a gynecologist if they can. If you feel uncomfortable going alone, you can bring a parent, your partner, or a friend as moral support. I've done that before and they're usually allowed to just sit in the waiting room until you're done the examination.

Before I go, I do want to bring up Amanda's point again that it's very common for stress to impact the timing of menstruation. You do have a lot going on so this could definitely be it, as well as the recent trends you've been noticing with your cycle. Also, if you believe that taking another pregnancy test could ease some anxiety, then I guess it wouldn't hurt!

I hope any of this resonates with you and please let me know if you have any more questions or are interested in more information about birth control or going to a gynecologist in general.
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