What the HECK is a male orgasm!?

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What the HECK is a male orgasm!?

Unread post by FluffyKitty »

I've been masturbating for quite a while now, and orgasm to me has always seemed like that sensation where you're getting loud and proud as that white stuff comes out of a guy's... yknow. But that whining part hasn't ever happened to me except for the whole white mess, and now I'm starting to wonder:

What REALLY is male orgasm, and how does it happen?
scarleteen staff/volunteer
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Re: What the HECK is a male orgasm!?

Unread post by Michaela »

Hi FluffyKitty,

In brief, for someone with a penis, orgasm happens at the height of sexual excitement and sensation where the prostate gland contracts along with the vas deferens and seminal vesicles causing the ejaculation of semen (you can find helpful diagrams in this article). At the same time, different neurochemicals are released which helps contribute to the other “oh wow” pleasurable feelings. Sometimes people feel the desire to make noises (whether whining, moaning, grunting, etc.) during this process, however, that is not a requirement for reaching orgasm. Does that make sense?

The whole sexual response system is somewhat complex but very cool and if you want to dive in more this article does a good job of providing all the details: Sexual Response and Orgasm: A User’s Guide.
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