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Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 2:40 pm
by Thelmaokm
So im worried about my vaginal fluids/mucus because i have seen changes (more vaginal discharge/fluids) but im worried im pregnant even if im a virgin.!
Only thing that has changed in my routine: I have been drinking more water.. Thats about it :(
Whats making me worry about pregnancy is the guys that masturbate in the bathroom because im worried they leave their sem€# or something on the toilet paper or i somehow got in contact with it.. I hope im not pregnant i really dont want a child at 14 but everything other than the discharge everything about my life is the same (im not tired not throwing up not using the bathroom more not feeling dizzy havent fainted) so yeah i really hope im okay. THE THING WHERE I STARTED WORRYING WAS 17th JULY it was an intrusive thought…

Re: Worried

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 6:54 pm
by Carly
Hey Thelmaokm -- first and foremost, you cannot get pregnant from semen on toilet paper or any other surface in a shared space. There is a huge misconception out there about strength and intelligence of sperm, which you can read about here. In order for pregnancy to be a possibility, there needs to be direct genital-to-genital contact between someone with a penis and someone with a vulva or direct contact between semen and a vulva.

As for changes in vaginal discharge, that's pretty normal! You can read about that here. Are the only changes you're seeing related to there being more? Are there any color or consistency changes?

Can you talk a little bit more about what you mean by "intrusive thought"? Are they just about pregnancy, or other stuff too?